compiling arla on Solaris5.6

Janne Johansson jj at
Fri Jan 15 14:22:52 CET 1999

I get this:
ld -r -o ./xfs xfs_deb.o xfs_common.o xfs_dev.o xfs_message.o xfs_node.o xfs_syscalls.o xfs_vfsops.o xfs_vnodeops.o xfs_wrap.o
ld: cannot open output file ./xfs: Is a directory

...which is true.

arla-src-dir/xfs/solaris/xfs is the directory containing includes.

Patching arla-src-dir/xfs/solaris/Makefile something like this:
-MOD            = xfs
+MOD            = xfs2
...makes it succeed with the compile at least.

Dunno what else will break by that though.

"Backwards compatible" means: "if it isn't backwards, it's not compatible."


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