Arla 0.22 on FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT

Robert Watson robert at
Thu Feb 25 11:11:21 CET 1999

I successfully built Arla 0.22 on FreeBSD 4.0 using the --with-kld
argument.  It appears to work nicely apart from two problems:

1) I can't acquire tokens, because the KTH distribution with FreeBSD 4.0
appears not to come with afslog.  I'm working on digging one up.

2) When I run /usr/arla/bin/fs, I get:
Error detecting AFS

Is this supposed to work?

  Robert N Watson 

robert at    
PGP key fingerprint: 03 01 DD 8E 15 67 48 73  25 6D 10 FC EC 68 C1 1C

Carnegie Mellon University  
TIS Labs at Network Associates, Inc.
SafePort Network Services   

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