Problems, using

Herbert Huber Herbert.Huber at
Fri Feb 19 08:38:22 CET 1999


I´m using arla 0.21 on my Linux 2.2.1 dual Pentium machine. Trying to
get rid of the disturbing messages any time when calling tcsh or
/bin/pwd in my AFS $HOME, I performed the steps as described in the
INSTALL document:

1. Copied /usr/arla/lib/ (where X is the arla
version)      to /lib.
2. Ran "/sbin/ldconfig".
3. Ran "LD_PRELOAD=/lib/ /bin/pwd".
4. Added line to /etc/

After that /bin/pwd and also tcsh worked fine, but other programs like
lpr, lpq, xosview, tokens.krb, ... had problems resolving the function
__getcwd. For example:

tokens.krb: can't resolve symbol '__getcwd'

Have anybody solved this problem? Thanks in advance

Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der
WissenschaftenAbteilung Rechensysteme, Gruppe Hochleistungssysteme
Herbert Huber (Tel. +49 89 289 28833, Fax +49 89 2809460)
Barer Strasse 21
D-80333 Muenchen
Email: herbert.huber at

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