mountpoint links

Love lha at
Fri Feb 5 05:46:47 CET 1999

John Davison <davisoja at> writes:

> Anyone else figure out more?

Well, if you follow the documentation is:

 * Mount points are symbol links with the following contents:
 * '#' | '%' [ cell ':' ] volume-name [ '.' ]

As stated in the comment above followmountpoint() in arlad/fcache.c.

But for tramsarc/some old tool compat any link starting with
# or % is considered a mountpoint and the last char is ignored.

% means go to RW, # follow what tree you happen to be in.

The semations where to go when hitting a mountpoint is
"intresting" to say at least. Intressed parties can read the comment
above find_volume() in arlad/fcache.c.


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