frequent cache corruption with arla 0.21 on linux 2.2.1

Jim Nance jim_nance at
Thu Feb 4 05:09:20 CET 1999

---"Michael J. Krasnicki" <kraz at> 

>    I'm trying to use arla to create/edit/compile code that is siting
> afs. However, I get rampant cache corruption where one .c or .h file
will is
> randomly substituted for another .c or .h file in the cache
resulting in all
> kinds of interesting compilation errors.

I used to see exactly this same problem.  When I would
build code in an arla mounted directory, eventually one
of the files would "become" another one of the files.
The last few releases of arla have eliminated this
problem for me.  In fact, the combination of arla-0.21
and linux 2.2.1 is by far the most stable combination I
have ever used.  I dont have any idea why the same
combination is giving you problems.  I am running
Red Hat 5.2 which is based on glibc.  Are you using
a libc5 distribution?

While we are on the subject of bugs, is anyone else
seeing these:

1) Trying to read a file larger than arla's cache fails.

2) Arla is not too smart about knowing when to flush its
   cache to make room for other stuff.  It will fail
   with out of space messages rather than prune the cache

3) sometimes (rarely) when doing something like a make -j 4
   make will fail, complaining about a file on an arla
   filesystem that it thinks is missing but which is
   really there.  Restaring make "fixes" the problem.


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