thanks, SysV init script

Sergio Ballestrero sergio.ballestrero at
Sat Dec 11 17:49:26 CET 1999

On 11 Dec 1999, Love wrote:

> Sergio Ballestrero <sergio.ballestrero at> writes:
> >  Well, on a more practical side, i have attached a LinuxConf/RedHat
> > "compatible" or "enhanced" SysV init script, derived from the distribution
> > one. It has been simplified, because linuxconf takes care of at least some
> > of the checks. The ".init"  extension is gone, because so it has to be,
> > after the "enhanced SysV" specs.
> Thanks. We rather see that it works on all linux distributions then only
> Redhat/Linuxconf. Does your script work on debian and all other sysv
> linux-distributions ?

 I had no chance to check that; in principle, it should work in any
distribution where Linuxconf can be installed (that means also Debian and
Suse), for all it needs is the "functions" script that defines things like
pidofproc(), daemon(), killproc() used in all the RedHat SysV shell
scripts. There isn't any other special stuff - well, maybe the
/var/lock/subsys/arla touch&rm; but you can get rid of it if it disturbs
any other distribution - actually, i never really got to understand why
the RedHat init files do that - nothing seems to use that subsys directory
anyway - also the pids are recorded elsewhere :-?
 Anyway, why don't you just ship it along with the existing one ? that
shouldn't hurt anybody...

> > The comments at the start contain the requested fields so that the
> > handling by Linuxconf is mostly automatic - i've chosen to use the same
> > levels and priorities as the nfsd. It is specific to my setup, using
> > /opt/arla, but that should not be a problem...
> The opt arla is solved by doing $prefix replacement as it's done in the
> current sysV init-file.

 not completely, because you cannot do $prefix substitution in comments
:-) and the configuration file names (that linuxconf uses to check whether
it needs to restart the service because of a configuration change) are
defined at the beginning as 
# config: /opt/arla/etc/arla.conf
# config: /opt/arla/etc/ThisCell
# config: /opt/arla/etc/SuidCell

so that is one more thing that needs the m4 %substitutions% , like they
are used for the existing arla.init


 Things will get better despite             Sergio Ballestrero
our efforts to improve them.                  Sergio.Ballestrero at
	-- Will Rogers                             S.Ballestrero at

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