behavior difference

Dave Morrison dave at
Mon Dec 6 02:26:33 CET 1999

Hi all,

I've noticed a difference in the way arla and Transarc clients react
after you try unauthenticated ops.  I have two SMP linux boxes, one with
arla-0.29pre5 and the other with Transarc AFS 3.5.  

Take the box with Transarc AFS first.  I start out with no tokens, and I
try to create or remove a file in an AFS directory (with ACLs that
require authentication).  I get something like the following:

% touch t.t
touch: t.t: Permission denied
% rm test.csh~ 
rm: remove `test.csh~', overriding mode 0755? y
rm: test.csh~: Permission denied

Fine.  Now, I klog and try again:

% touch t.t
% rm test.csh~

OK, no surprises.  Now I try the same thing on the box running an arla

play14: touch t.t
touch: t.t: Permission denied
play14: rm s.s
rm: remove write-protected file `s.s'? y
rm: cannot unlink `s.s': Permission denied

OK, still no surprises.  Now, I klog and try again:

% touch t.t

but this time, arla pegs the CPU load and the touch command hangs.  If I
interrupt the touch and do `fs flushvolume' then a second attempt to
touch the file succeeds.

The initial attempt to do something which is not allowed seems to have
put arla into an odd state.  I can send along reams of xfs debug info if
that'd be useful.  Any tips would be appreciated.


David Morrison  Brookhaven National Laboratory  phone: 631-344-5840
                Physics Department, Bldg 510 C    fax: 631-344-3253
		          Upton, NY 11973-5000  email: dave at

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