
Love lha at
Fri Aug 27 15:16:27 CEST 1999

Changes in release 0.27:

* better support for Solaris 7 in 64-bit mode.  Now 32 bit pioctl's
  should also be handled.  See INSTALL for more information on how to
  build in 64-bits mode.

* new transarc-compatible programs klog, unlog, and tokens by Chris
  Wing <wingc at>

* support for the getattr inode_operation on Linux which should give
  ``better'' inode numbers to the applications, requires the
  getattr-patch to Linux.

* cache files in two levels of directories.  NOTE: you should remove
  your old cache files (rm /usr/arla/cache/* or similar) since these
  will use different names

* support for generating root.afs in the client (dynroot)

* more bugs related to deleting files fixed

* uses the syscalls fhopen and getfh on NetBSD-current

* more test cases

* some more bug fixes

This is the hard-to-get-out of the door version, this is the third try.

WARNING: There is a couple of problems with this release.

* You have to wipe you cache (as noted above)

* On netbsd (and maybe other bsd's too) it leeks vnodes (probably
  related to unlink() and rmdir() fixes) but we haven't found the
  obvious bug yet.


The dynroot is a cool thing, try it (start arlad with -D). It generate
a local root.afs for you from CellServDB and you don't need a cell
when you boot. (It's really handy when you have a notepad that doesn't
have connectivity all the time, like when arlad starts).
/usr/arla/etc/ThisCell is now only used to figure out default cell for
commands like vos/pts/fs.


Love, and the rest of the arla-drinkers.

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