Is Arla free for accessing IBM AFS servers?

Bjoern Groenvall bg at
Tue Aug 17 23:29:43 CEST 1999

Charles Karney <karney at> writes:

> Apparently IBM thinks that you cannot freely use Arla to access IBM AFS
> servers.  They would like to charge you for $99 per "registered entity".

I *guess* this all depends on if you are under the new or old
licensing terms. The old terms did not have the concept of "registered
entity" and you should therefore be allowed to run Arla as much as you
like. If you are a new customer, or for some reason give up your old
licensing terms, I *guess* you loose.


  _     _                                               ,_______________.  
Bjorn Gronvall (Björn Grönvall)                        /_______________/|     
Swedish Institute of Computer Science                  |               ||
PO Box 1263, S-164 29 Kista, Sweden                    | Schroedingers ||
Email: bg at, Phone +46 -8 633 15 25              |      Cat      |/
Cellular +46 -70 768 06 35, Fax +46 -8 751 72 30       `---------------' 

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