tests/hardlink1 fails

Simon Josefsson jas at pdc.kth.se
Sun Aug 8 20:55:27 CEST 1999

Assar Westerlund <assar at stacken.kth.se> writes:

> > The real CPP in GCC has had inode stuff #ifdef'd out for ages (2.6?),
> > and should work, I didn't have the patience to wait for gcc to finish
> > building so I fixed CCCP instead, patch attached for reference if
> > anyone has experienced similar problems.
> It would still be good to know if we solved the problem, there might
> be other programs that do inode caching stuff.

With your patch (linux 2.2.10), arla from cvs and inode caching cpp,
I've not been able to provoke the bug. Earlier, without the kernel
patch, things broke rather quickly so this is a big improvement.

OTOH doing "find . -print" (lots of lstat()) in a very large tree
(only one volume) seem to just hang after a while. Any afs access in
other windows make "find" continue. After a while "find" stalls, and
again any afs access in other windows make "find" continue. Seems as
if the communication between xfs and arla is stalling.

I haven't seen this before. It might be the new kernel though.

XFS-debug log:

<start find>

Aug  8 20:28:26 p03 kernel: xfs_pioctl 
Aug  8 20:28:26 p03 kernel: xfs_fh_to_dentry: dev: 0 inode: 67681 
Aug  8 20:28:26 p03 kernel: fhopen_call: returns fd: 8 
Aug  8 20:28:26 p03 kernel: xfs_syscall returns error: 8 
Aug  8 20:28:26 p03 kernel: sys_afs kernel unlock; cpu: 1 

<wait for a while with a stuck "find"", then typing "cd; ls" in
another window>

Aug  8 20:32:04 p03 kernel: xfs_access (ce167a90) mode = 01 aliases: jas(ce182c00) 
Aug  8 20:32:06 p03 kernel: xfs_access(01) = 0 
Aug  8 20:32:06 p03 kernel: xfs_getattr 
Aug  8 20:32:06 p03 kernel: b40, first->next = cedf9f00 
Aug  8 20:32:06 p03 kernel: xfs_devread: message->size = 32 
Aug  8 20:32:06 p03 kernel: xfs_devread: first = cedf9f00, first->prev = d0844b40, first->next = cedf9ea0 
Aug  8 20:32:06 p03 kernel: xfs_devread: message->size = 32 
Aug  8 20:32:06 p03 kernel: xfs_devread: first = cedf9ea0, first->prev = d0844b40, first->next = cedf9e40 
Aug  8 20:32:06 p03 kernel: xfs_devread: message->size = 32 
Aug  8 20:32:06 p03 kernel: xfs_devread: first = cedf9e40, first->prev = d0844b40, first->next = cedf9de0 

<messages similar to the previous two repeated hundreds of times>

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