forwarding tokens to other machine

Herbert Huber Herbert.Huber at
Thu Aug 5 09:10:52 CEST 1999

>Herbert Huber <Herbert.Huber at> writes:
>> In "Transarcs" or "CODINE´s "version of GetToken the following
>> structures are printed to STDOUT in the following order:
>>ktc_principal service
>>ktc_principal client
>>ktc_token token
>>Redirecting the output to the local harddisk produces a file with a
>>length of 752 bytes, whereas your GetToken binary writes only 92 bytes

>>to STDOUT. The output of Transarcs GetToken is the same, using
>> arla or the original AFS client. So you are right, there seems to be
>> difference in the token structure.

>Do you need to be compatible with that program?

As discussed prior in this list, compatibility of arla´s utility
programs with the corresponding AFS utlilities of Transarc eases the
life of the system admin and improves the acceptance of arla by normal
users. Another point are inhomogenious compute clusters, running
Transarcs AFS client ( for example our AIX machines) and arla
(Linux-PC´s) where user tokens need to be passed, extended etc.


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