forwarding tokens to other machine

Herbert Huber Herbert.Huber at
Wed Aug 4 16:12:12 CEST 1999

In "Transarcs" or "CODINE´s "version of GetToken the following
structures are printed to STDOUT in the following order:
ktc_principal service
ktc_principal client
ktc_token token
Redirecting the output to the local harddisk produces a file with a
length of 752 bytes, whereas your GetToken binary writes only 92 bytes
to STDOUT. The output of Transarcs GetToken is the same, using
arla or the original AFS client. So you are right, there seems to be no
difference in the token structure.

By extend I wanted to say extending the lifetime of the token. This can
be done by having the secret key of the server available, decoding the
AFS token and fabricate a new token, using the information of the old
token (AFS ID, etc.).


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