Arla under FreeBSD 3.1-stable

Love lha at
Thu Apr 8 18:09:01 CEST 1999

Randy Philipp <randy at> writes:

> I have had the same problem with the latest version of arla myself.  What
> sort of information do the developers need from me to try to resolve this
> problem.

My 3.1-RELEASE host doesn't have the problem. Did you put your cell
in /usr/arla/etc/ThisCell ?

If when you do each step in startarla where does it hang ?
Do you have a /dev/xfs0 device file ? With right major number ?

If xfs hangs, change the x's in xfs/bsd/xfs_deb.c to X's, recompile
and see where it hangs.

If its when arlad starts, start with arlad --debug=almost-all (or all if
that doesn't give a clue).


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