Input/output errors

Max davros at cyclone.Stanford.EDU
Mon Nov 2 06:03:00 CET 1998

I'm having a bizarre problem.  I followed all the instructions in the
INSTALL file, but nothing appears in the /afs directory and I get an
"input/output error":

chinook:/afs> cd ir
ir: Input/output error.

Arlad works in test mode, the xfs module seemed to compile just fine
(I couldn't get the module in 0.13 to load because of unresolved
symbol errors, these seem to have been fixed in 0.14), and fs, pts,
and vos seem to work fine.  Here's some more info:

chinook:/usr/local/arla/bin> ls -l /dev/xfs0
crw-------   1 root     root     103,   0 Oct 30 18:32 /dev/xfs0

That appears to be fine as well.  "lsmod" shows that the xfs module is
being used.  So, what's going on?  I'm running Linux 2.1.121.


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