
Assar Westerlund assar at
Thu Mar 26 06:38:13 CET 1998

Is now available from

The relevant part of the NEWS file is appended.

Archives of the mailing lists are now available from the web page at

/assar & the rest of the arla-drinkers

Changes in release 0.4:

* bug that caused linux xfs module to loop fixed.

* fix seek error on NetBSD

* copy in arguments to xfs_mount which makes it not panic on some
  NetBSD ports.

* collect message statistics in arlad

* fs getcrypt and fs setcrypt

* set `d_type' in BSD directories which fixes lots of
  directory-related problems.

* some code reorganization.

* fs getacl works

* support for linking with the compatability libraries of krb 5.

* support for reading cell information from /usr/vice/etc as a
  fallback for /usr/arla/etc

* now using the inconsistent interpretation of the unix mode bits on
  directories to be compatible

* some malloc/free related errors fixed

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