Arla on MkLinux (Linux-ppc)

Eric Cronin ecronin at
Mon Mar 16 21:00:43 CET 1998

I'm working on compiling arla for PPC linux, and the gcc/as I'm using
doesn't like part of the lwp/process.S assembly file.  Specifically,
these two lines get stripped out during the preprocess:

      mr      r1,r5
90:   blr                                     /* Return */

leaving the 
      beq     90f

above it pointing to nowhere.  If I do a two-step assembly and add the
lines back in (mr 1,5 since it won't get preprocessed again), and use as
on that, it has no problems.  Removing the mr line itself also stops gcc
from striping out the 90: line for some reason.  If one of you has a
better knowledge of how gcc does its thing, I can test a new process.S
file, or I can give you my file which works fine in as as-is.


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