Arla problems at Linux

Ole Streicher ole at
Mon Mar 16 13:39:24 CET 1998

Hallo !

I was trying to install Arla at a Linux PC, without success.

At compilation time, the file xfs/linux/xfs_syscalls.c, the symbol
`VIOC_AFS_SYSNAME' is undeclared. After fixing this (I found a #define
statement in include/kafs.h), it compiles and installs well. But, when
I try to run it (as described in the README file), after
"/usr/arla//bin/arlad -d /dev/xfs", I get

Arlad booting sequence:
Unable to find service afs3-fileserver/udp, using port 7000
Unable to find service afs3-vlserver/udp, using port 7003
conn_init numconns = 100
volcache numvols = 100
using rxkad level auth
credcache numcreds = 100
fcache low_vnodes = 3000, high_vnodes = 4000low_bytes = 15000000, high_bytes = 20000000
arla init done.
running cleaner: 0 (3000-4000) files, 0 (15000000-20000000) bytes
cleaner done: 0 (3000-4000) files, 0 (15000000-20000000) bytes
Arla: selecting on fd: 5
running cleaner: 0 (3000-4000) files, 0 (15000000-20000000) bytes
cleaner done: 0 (3000-4000) files, 0 (15000000-20000000) bytes
and the process prints the last two lines every few seconds, without
the possibility to mount the file system. The "mount" command lead to
an IOT Trap, and now I can't remove the xfs modules anymore since it
reports that it is in use (but, it isn't).
"dmesg" reports lots of messages like
xfs_devopen dev = 15360, flags = 2
xfs_devclose dev = 15360, flags = 2
free_all_xfs_nodes starting
free_all_xfs_nodes now removing root
free_all_xfs_nodes done
All this happens independent of the version I use (0.1 or 0.2). The
"test" feature (arlad -t) seems to work without problems; I can cd to
the directories and list them.

Can you say what goes wrong with my installation?

Thank you very much


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