sized types and more krb lib lossage...

Assar Westerlund assar at
Mon Mar 2 22:54:40 CET 1998

John Hawkinson <jhawk at MIT.EDU> writes:
> Well, yes, but since rxkad_NewServerSecurityObject never gets called,
> I'm not sure how the function pointer ever gets initialized.

Where doesn't rxkad_NewServerSecurityObject get called?  arlad would
not need to call it but vlserver has to.

> That looks fine. Note that afssys.c from kafs seems to go even further,
> and I'm not sure if it's worth it:

Yeah, I looked at that and tried to figure out a simple way of calling
that.  Having all that ugly guessing code in one place is the right
thing so I'll have to fix that, later.


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