struct krb_principal lossage

Love lha at
Mon Mar 2 19:44:28 CET 1998

John Hawkinson <jhawk at MIT.EDU> writes:

> (Sorry for the delay, I had to fight with putting my local copy under
> CVS -- is it really wise for include/.cvsignore to list

Yes, since we dont have configure and include/ in the cvs
tree and we dont want cvs to be complaining about it.

> Not quite.
> Your patch was malformed (did you edit it by hand), this patch fixed it :-):

yes, since the stds.h does not exist anymore in our cvstree.

> Fun, that. Your stds.h patch didn't include definitions of ANAME_SZ
> nothing else was included to define them. So:

Shouldn't they live in krb.h ? Or have I found another kth-krb specially ?


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