sized types and more krb lib lossage...
John Hawkinson
jhawk at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 2 19:31:52 CET 1998
| I added atypes.h in appl/appl_locl.h. (You want to be able to build
| libkafs as part of kth-krb4 without any arla and then it uses
| ktypes.h.)
Almost, but fs.c doesn't include appl_locl.h. I added it at the head
and it seems fine:
Index: fs.c
RCS file: /afs/sipb/project/arla/repository/arla/appl/fs.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.1.1.2 fs.c
*** fs.c 1998/03/02 17:43:24
--- fs.c 1998/03/02 18:21:16
*** 36,41 ****
--- 36,43 ----
+ #include "appl_locl.h"
#include <config.h>
| libkafs is needed, otherwise fs is not going to be able to do
| anything. So I think the right answer is to use Derrick's krbafs if
| you don't use kth-krb4.
Yup, that seems reasonable.
| I would think it's this code in arla.c that fails for
| But wouldn't it fail for as well? The realm should be
| MIT.EDU in both cases, right?
Ah, nope, it should be ATHENA.MIT.EDU in both cases.
| char *realm = strdup(cell_getthiscell ());
| strupr(realm);
| if (get_cred("afs","",realm, &krbdata.c)) {
| ARLADEB(ADEBINIT, ("error getting ticket for %s\n",
| realm));
| } else if (cred_add_krb4(getuid(), &krbdata.c) == NULL) {
So that code appears to be doing the right thing.
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