arla problems under Solaris 2.6

Assar Westerlund assar at
Thu Jun 18 21:10:13 CEST 1998

John Hawkinson <jhawk at> writes:
> I'm not sure what to conclude here. It looks like the pointers
> in the struct mounta are not accessible in kernel space.
> I don't understand why that might be.

It seems to me that you need to copy in the `spec' and the `dir', but
they are only used in that debug output anyway, so try removing them
from there and see if it makes any difference.

> {Writing Device Drivers} instructs one not to use
> printf(), but instead to use cmn_err(). I didn't think
> this was the problem, but I replaced all printf()s with
> cmn_err()s, but that paniced in the same place.

Yeah, I know you _should_ use cmn_err but when I found a printf I
didn't bother changing all the calls to printf. :)


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