writing another file system

Love Hörnquist-Åstrand lha at stacken.kth.se
Wed Jun 3 03:11:48 CEST 1998

Naomaru Itoi <itoi at eecs.umich.edu> writes:

> I am now writing another file system based on arla.  The file system
> does not talk to AFS.  Instead, it talks to a smartcard.  


> My basic idea is to replace arlad with my own daemon which handles
> serial port connection with a smartcard.  I found out it is fairly
> easy to plug my smartcard specific code into arla -- e.g. in
> xfs_message_getroot(), xfs_message_getnode(), etc.

The main file that you need to hack is the arlad/messages.c, just clean
out everything else. The other file that is intresting that you want
to use is *-subr.c, this file does all conversion from your dir-format
in the smartcard to the OS native format.

> If you have any advice on it, any experience to share, or document you
> refered when you wrote arla, it is very much welcomed.  

The documents are mostly in our heads, the source, some half done pappers
and other places that I have forgot.

If you have any further question I'll happly answer them.


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