patch to fix symlink-related GPFs on Linux

Magnus Ahltorp map at
Sat Jul 25 20:29:25 CEST 1998

> Well, the problems with 0.8 I reported seem to be gone.  However, I
> now see lockups when trying to stat a lot of files in AFS, for
> instance by running
> 	ls -al /afs/
> Whee.

Could you try to enable xfs debugging before doing these stats? You
can use the setdebug command (do a "make setdebug" in xfs/linux in
your object directory). "setdebug on" will enable full debugging, and
"setdebug off" will turn off debugging.

Does the machine lock solid, or is it only the ls -al that locks? Can
you abort it with ^C?

map at

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