Arla 0.8 and .@sys

Magnus Ahltorp map at
Thu Jul 23 20:48:57 CEST 1998

> Thanks for the feedback - somewhat mysteriously, things are working
> just fine for me too now.  After installing the patched arlad, I did
> kill and restart it before trying the exercise I posted.  Now, a
> couple of hours later, it all behaves the way I'd've hoped it would.
> Perhaps there were some information cached that was causing it not
> to work that has since been refreshed.

Note that xfs does some things wrong when arlad dies. I have fixed
that in the cvs tree, and I may make a snapshot for people to
test. Therefore, don't restart arlad without unmounting until that is
fixed. xfs will still think the information is valid, but arlad will
think that xfs doesn't have the information (i.e. no callbacks will be

map at

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