compiling under cygwin32

Sylvan Clebsch sylvan at
Fri Aug 7 00:17:11 CEST 1998

i apologize in advance if this has been gone over before, or if i'm
missing something trivial. i'm attempting to get Arla working under NT
in preparation for attempting a full NT port. i made the following
changes in order to get a clean compile:

roken/resolve.h: changed HEADER to int

	T_A is defined, but HEADER isn't...

roken/roken.h: add sys/socket.h

	needed it for a number of things in recvmesg.c and sendmesg.c

ko/gensysname.c: changed O_TEXT to O_TEXT_SAFE

	O_TEXT is defined in windows' fcntl.h

arlad/messages.c: define RXKADEXPIRED if it isn't already
include/stds.h: define ANAME_SZ, INST_SZ and REALM_SZ if they aren't

	when doing a build without kerberos, these values are needed

the only problem i am left with is in appl/fs.c and appl/fs_lib.c. these
contain calls to k_hasafs() and k_pioctl(), both of which have
prototypes in kafs.h, but don't seem to actually be present anywhere in
the source tree. there must be something very simple i'm missing, but i
tried spelunking around a few *nix boxes and could find no reference
there, so i gave up on the idea that these were functions a unix
implementation expected to find in the system. if anyone could lend me a
hand on this, i would really appreciate it. thanks for your time.


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