Assar Westerlund assar at sics.se
Sat Apr 18 19:37:20 CEST 1998

Per Boussard T/ED <Per.Boussard at era-t.ericsson.se> writes:
> The HAVE_VOP_POLL looks like an autoconfigured variable, but...

They're supposed to be autoconfed some time in the future.

> I don't know how common platforms without VOP_POLL are, but my NetBSD1.2
> doesn't want to build arla-0.5 since it doesn't have things of that kind. 
> I'm trying to figure out how that should be autoconfigured, but I don't
> have enough platforms to examine that right now. Maybe a check for
> /usr/include/sys/poll.h might do? Comments? 

I believe poll was added sometime after 1.2 to NetBSD.  You could
either test for HAVE_SYS_POLL_H or look at the __NetBSD__ define.

The right solution would probably be to parse vnode_if.src and
generate the HAVE_VOP_POLL & c:o from that.


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