arla 0.5

Robert Burgess Robert.Burgess at
Thu Apr 16 00:10:41 CEST 1998

arla 0.5 is now available at

Changes include:

* reserved major number for Linux

* pts added

* minor fixes for Solaris 2.6

* moved almost all pioctl handling to arlad

* fs {sa,lq,sq} now works

* fixed pioctl handling in Linux (lookup of fid)

* cred deletion added

* updated getargs to handle options the transarc way

* arlad now forks off per default

* new debug levels to arlad

* mkdir/rmdir in Linux added

* Linux xfs access control fixed

* df now produces something interesting in Linux

* several new autoconf tests

* arlad -t now works with cygwin32

* time can now be mmaped to improve performance

/rb & the rest of the arla-drinkers

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